O Come, O Come Emmanuel arranged for jazz septet by Rich Willey


The melody may be 500โ€“600 years old but this arrangement spiffs it all up and lets it groove like itโ€™s brand new again!

Arranged as part of a jazz Christmas concert, this groovy little chart lets the drummer play brushes and do some drum fills during the melody breaks ร  la โ€œCuteโ€ย  by Neil Hefti.


This melody is anywhere from 500 to 600 years old but this arrangement spiffs it all up and lets it groove.

Arranged to be a part of a jazz Christmas concert, this groovy little chart lets the drummer play brushes and do some drum fills during the melody breaks ร  la โ€œCuteโ€ย  by Neil Hefti.

39 written measures, โ™ฉ = 120 (easy tempo) blowing over a minor blues on this flexible head arrangement written at an intermediate level of difficulty that is suitable for high school and above.

Parts for Trumpet 1, Alto Sax 2 or Trumpet 2, Tenor Sax 3 or Trombone 3, Trombone 4 or Baritone Sax 4, Piano/Guitar, Bass and Drums come as a PDF that youโ€™ll be able to download immediately upon submission of your order.

Written solos for any of our charts may be special ordered at a reasonable cost. Email us through our contact page with any and all inquiries.

A recording of this arrangement does exist, and when it turns up it will be posted right here. ๐Ÿ˜Š


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