Trumpeter’s Guide to Minor II-V-I’s in Twelve Keys for trumpet & all 𝄞 treble clef instruments by Rich Willey (PDF)
How’d you like to sail into jazz improv like a pro? The minor II-V7-I chord sequence is one of the most essential building blocks, and Rich takes the mystery out of this basic chord progression for you, using phrases of increasing complexity from simple “inside” harmony to advanced altered harmony.
Rich Willey takes you on a guided tour through 150 minor II-V-I phrases in twelve keys. This basic chord progression is examined in meticulous detail via melodic phrases of increasing complexity that take the student from simple “inside” (chordal) harmony to advanced altered harmony. These are not only educational, they’re great fun to play!
Your book comes with a page containing a link for you to easily download all the play-along files — over 10 hours of play-along tracks (mp3s) with two “Play-Along With Rich” tracks. You can take turns with Rich playing through every single minor II-V-I phrase in the book. MIDI files of all accompaniments are included to use with Band-In-A-Box or other sequencing programs permitting infinite flexibility. Play-along tracks contain no melody instruments, only piano, bass and drums (except for the two long “Play-Along With Rich” tracks).
143 pages include in-depth analysis of all 150 minor II-V-I phrases and more. When you order this in PDF format you’ll be able to download it immediately upon submission of your order.
Listen to some of the “Play-Along With Rich” tracks below:
Take a look at some PDF samples below:
Minor II-V-I’s Analysis 001
Minor II-V-I’s Analysis 002
There are sections where you play each of those in all 12 keys, and sections where you can play them all in one key. It’s tons of stuff, tons of learning, tons of reading and technical practice, and tons of fun—a bargain at twice the price!
Customer Comments
“I cannot express how delightful these two books [Major and Minor II-V-I’s] have been. I’ve been shedding on them for a little over a week now and they’re just plain fun. I especially like that in the recordings there is room to play each lick twice in a row in each key so you can play it once looking at the page and once looking away using only your ear — brilliant! Rich Willey’s books provide a fast, comprehensive, and user-friendly way to shed the building blocks of jazz improvisation. I heartily recommend this product to anyone who could use a little more incentive to shed licks!” — BRIAN KLEVE, trumpeter, New York City
“I have always maintained that the loneliest person in the world is a trumpet player playing his first jazz improv solo. For me, that state of isolation has extended WAY past the first solo and on into many many others. Rich’s books are finally a way, for me, to really start to grasp the whole ad lib gig. His Major and Minor II-V-I books are great. His Melody Lingers On (first brought out in 2005 I believe, and just now discovered by yours truly) is fantastic.
“Rich is not stingy with the cool musical licks, and, with his vast harmonic knowledge on display, the written parts are excellent practice for finger dexterity and muscle memory. I found that, after memorizing partial lines of the various tunes, I really started reading the chord progressions well ahead of the measure that was playing. The fun bonus is my own muscial thoughts are slowly beginning to take shape and make sense.
“Will I still be lonely playing a jazz improv solo? Probably, but now I won’t be able to whine as much about it. No excuse for that feeling with such great materials at our fingertips. Nice work, Rich!”
— RUSS CHAPMAN, trumpet
Review of Trumpeter’s Guides to Major and Minor II-V-I’s
Nick Mondello, Locust Valley, NY, May 6, 2009
Rich Willey has taken the “vertebrae” of jazz harmonic construction — the II-V-I chord progression — and developed two absolutely superior books for the aspiring jazz improviser. Working from the standard structure, Willey has, yet again, hit a home run. Unlike a “lick” book, Willey — smart man that he is — advises readers how to “get the most from this book” and themselves. His fundamental suggestion to “listen to the great players” (not only trumpeters) is the best advice any player could incorporate. Also, using H2 Zoom recording (or any recording device, for that matter) is suggested. Both are great ideas.
Using a format of both written and recorded examples (enough mp3s to make eight play-along CDs are included), Willey develops the II-V-I for readers with over 70 examples throughout all keys. One book deals with the majors, the other minor keys. The detailed harmonic/structural explanations of the II-V-I examples — complete with references to recorded examples of the masters, Parker, Gillespie, et al, are outstanding and highly informative. The advanced improviser (read that as advanced listener) will gain from shedding these examples without the “need” of the detailed explanations.
One can tell from the writing and presentation that Rich Willey really knows his stuff. And, he has the heart and chops to share that tremendous knowledge with all of us — beginner to professional. Willey also distinguishes himself as a swinging, terrific player on the “Play-Along With Rich” tracks. He plays the “licks” first and then the student plays the lick along with the recorded accompaniment (which is excellent, by the way!).
Boptism has a reputation of producing fine products. These books are no exception to that reputation. Willey’s stuff is A-1 perfection. The examples and text are laid out in spiral-bound books. The fonts and music are clear and highly legible. The play-along tracks are excellent. There are 10 hours of recorded examples!
These are not books about creativity. They are more like “toolboxes” for creators. The art of jazz improvisation encompasses a very wide array of skills which drive from one’s heart and soul. All of us players need practice developing the creative spirit, the fire to inspire and innovate, as Clark Terry said. Developing and using a creative base, amplified by the outstanding efforts here of Rich Willey will certainly help any player “level up” jazz wise.
With these two efforts, Rich Willey again validates and confirms his place in the jazz improv education pantheon along with Jamey Aebersold and David Baker.
Excuse me now. I have to go shed along with Willey awhile.
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